serva website development design, seo & marketing
Copywriting is creating web copy, or articles, for your website or blog serva can develop relevant articles specific to your site
When you use a
qualified copywriter
you can boost your
website traffic.
With a website there
is so much that happens
in the background,
which so many people
are unaware of.
This is why you need
to make sure you
get the most from
your website and
use a company such
as serva, who know
all the ‘ins and outs’
of website design
as they are dealing
with web development
on a daily basis.

so however you look at it …
you’ll look your best with serva
serva Copywriting
It doesn’t matter if you have an existing website or are in the process of creating a new one, serva can provide copywriting services. Copywriting is creating web copy, or articles, for your website or blog. We can develop relevant articles specific to your site, and these articles will help boost your site’s traffic, placement and revenue.
Web copy works best if it is optimized for your site’s keywords and target audience. Before we create articles for your site, we analyze the demographics of your site’s target audience. This helps us create copy that is relevant and interesting for your visitors so they are more likely to read your content and share it with their friends.
serva also identify your site’s target keywords. These terms are what visitors use in search engines to find your site. By optimizing copy for target keywords, visitors will find your site in an online search. Using serva for copywriting means that optimized articles are more likely to rank high in google and other search engines, so you will gain traffic. the increase in traffic will often lead to more sales.
Why use serva for copywriting for your information
There are numerous reasons why, but perhaps the number one reason is TIME!
- Hiring our professional copywriters leaves you more time to run your business and perform other business related tasks. Writing the same amount of articles by yourself would take several hours, and that is time that you can spend expanding your business or doing other tasks that you simply cannot outsource.
- serva is experienced in copywriting, so we have excellent writing skills and grammar. We’ll study the latest trends in technology and web development, and use this knowledge to create articles for your site.
- We will identify the best keywords based on your website and traffic. We will select several keyword variations that will help you gain valuable search engine traffic.
- The articles will be written so that they are optimized for search engines. search engine optimization includes several elements that make the page more likely to rank in google, bing or yahoo search, but they include keyword density. We know how to optimize an article for the web, so you are more likely to rank high in searches for your target keywords.
- We provide copywriting services based on the tone of your website and your audience. some websites and businesses call for a formal speech, but others require conversational tone. The right style and tone is important because it lets your visitors know that you are in touch with them and connect with them.
talk to us now
we’re happy to assist, just
in excess of 63% of the internet is being viewed with mobile devices …
so whatever they use; Apple iPhones, iPads, Android phones or Tablets
that’s over 100,256,900 smart phone users in America
We’ll not only make your new website mobile compatible, we’ll also make your business look great each time they visit
We offer a range of options for mobile compatible website design, even monthly payments, so ...
get your website right first time
Our mission statement
Our aim is to offer clients an outstanding service. serva accomplish this by maintaining a high level of communication throughout, attention to detail and a clear focus on the objectives of our clients projects. Through this personal approach, we closely work together to create a website to be proud of.
We become an extension of your team and bring projects from concept to completion, within budget and on time.